The Terra Nova series is set in an expanse of space within 100 light years of Sol. The series delves into a future where humanity has spread across the stars. As they push the boundaries of human knowledge and survival, they confront the ever-present question of what it means to be human in a universe full of unknowns. Each novel in the series builds upon this richly imagined universe, offering gripping tales of adventure, intrigue, and discovery.
Terra Nova Novels
Ray Decker, a genetically engineered colonist, is determined to secure a better future for his people, despite his short lifespan. His attempts to reach out to the wider universe are thwarted by Niruku, a powerful corporation, who sends an assassin to silence him.
Meanwhile, fleeing from Niruku’s grasp, biologist Kaylie Stewart escapes with Estia, a young woman with hidden abilities. Together with Ray, they embark on a dangerous mission to expose a centuries-old conspiracy that could change the fate of humanity.